Rhubarb 3

Our Suppliers

At Prestonfield we have a passion for selecting the finest, freshest, Scottish seasonal produce.

Prestonfield was the first estate in Scotland to propagate rhubarb in the eighteen century and it is still grown on and used in our kitchens today, along with a number of vegetables and herbs grown in our kitchen garden.

Hedgerow greens are foraged locally for us, Scottish beef aged in our own larder or wild game shot on the hill, we are very fortunate to work with a plethora of local artisan suppliers.

Scotland's stunning natural larder simply wouldn't exist if it wasn't for our amazing farmers, keepers, fishermen, and foragers who grow and gather. Also, the butchers, curers, and cheese makers whose skills we rely on daily.

These are just a few of our favourite suppliers whose produce we rely on and features on our menus when available


Beef is the great classic ingredient that rarely leaves the menu! Prestonfield's classic Chateaubriand for two is an outstanding favourite, served with jus, Bearnaise and seasonal vegetables. As you'd expect, Prestonfield is a member of the Scotch Beef Club, ensuring we offer the best Scotch beef. We source well-aged beef, often selected for us by John Gilmour, a discerning butcher who carefully dry-ages his beef before hand-cutting and delivering it to our beef larder for some further dry-aging.


Highland Game supplies us with wonderful wild venison, all sourced in Scotland. They are simply passionate about promoting the wider use of venison, one of Scotland's best-recognised ingredients that just isn’t used enough. Whilst the iconic Red Deer occasionally appears on the menu, our Chef's favourite, Roe, is a regular at Prestonfield in season.

Feathered wild game is one of the stars of the Scottish larder, and duck, partridge, and pheasant will feature on Rhubarb's menu in autumn. For a few weeks the king of Game; Grouse, will be available as it’s collected from the heather-covered Estates of the Lammermuir Hills for us by renowned game dealers, Braehead.

Foraged Greens & Mushrooms

Ben of Fungi and Forage is a regular visitor to the kitchen door at Prestonfield bringing an ever-changing selection of herbs, leaves and mushrooms which have been foraged from Scotland's hills and woods. The unique flavours of these wild, uncultivated herbs and leaves often add unique and subtle notes to the dishes served at Rhubarb. Spring often sees Prestonfield's own wild leeks and garlic featuring on our menu and often our own rhubarb too.

Bacon Sausages & Black Pudding

Ramsay of Carluke has been curing bacon since 1857 so can rightly claim to be "Bacon curers of distinction". They provide wonderful ingredients that are the stars of Prestonfield's great Scottish breakfast and their fine pork products are used in other dishes too.

Scottish Berries

In season Scottish berries are the best of the best. You'll find Scottish raspberries feature in the delicious home-made jam which accompanies the scones at Prestonfield's afternoon tea and our strawberries come from named farms in Fife, Perthshire and Angus when they are at their very best.


Scotland's gentle climate and lush pasture ensure we make some great cheeses. An ever-changing selection of four perfectly ripened Scottish kinds of cheese feature on the menu in Rhubarb each day. Served with homemade oatcakes and accompaniments. Cheeses such as Katy Roger's award-winning Crowdie from her artisan creamery at Knockraich feature in other dishes too. A soft creamy, cows' milk cheese with a centuries-old heritage it currently features alongside garden peas and Ham Hough in a starter and flavoured with Douglas Fir in a pudding.